Saturday, January 9, 2010


We had to say good bye to Nevea today. We have had her for almost 3 years. About 4 weeks ago she attacked Chocolate (our 7 year old lab.) They have been together from the time Nevea was a puppy. I figured it was a one time thing but she did it again and again. We separated them for a few weeks and tried to work with her a little at a time. She just wouldn't have it and attacked Chocolate again. She had to go.

Summer and Nevea

What a great dog she is. We will really miss her. A wonderful family in Sacramento adopted her. I know they will love her and she will love them. Summer with Nevea.

Chocolate and Nevea. The large yellow lab in the back was our neighbors. Jake, would come over and play and swim with our dogs.

This was our pet pig. Nevea and the pig slept side by side every night. Sometimes you couldn't tell them apart the slept so close.
We will miss you Nevea!!!